
July 21st, 2011

  • VJ
  • coding
  • Pure Data
  • Processing

Ilan Katin / Re:tired VJ

In anticipation of the retirement of this media Ilan presented each piece of media and in the process of doing so talked about his approach to creating and performing with the material as well as reflected on his thoughts about live video performance in general.

About Ilan Katin

Since 2004 Ilan Katin has been building, editing and perfecting a personal media library for his live video performances. Currently there are 94 pieces of media inside a folder named “11_NOTHING.” Each piece of media has its own story and, or philosophy behind it.


Peter Kirn / PIXELS AND PICS: Etudes in Code, For Non-Coding Artist

Slides of the presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/peterkirn/etudes-in-code-with-processing

About Peter Kirn

Composer/visualist and writer PETER KIRN (NYC) used the free and open source tool Processing to create simple etudes in motion from photography. Using basic, minimal code as a means of expressing ideas in movement and texture, he presented textual programming as a basic form of creative thinking, even for those without much in the way of technical or programming backgrounds, code short enough to compose in an airport lounge. Peter is the editor of createdigitalmusic.com and createdigitalmotion.com, a digital artist and performer, a writer, and a teacher (of many young, non-coding designers) at Parsons The New School for Design.
