
April 12th, 2012

  • mapping
  • Performance
  • Film
  • Theater
  • Politics
  • Live Cinema


After a short introduction to her design studio, YUKIJUNG will share her know-how with the audience by explaining her usual conceptual approach in planning an architectural multimedia scenography on the basis of two exemplary projects: the multimedia tour through history „Promenades sous les étoiles“ in the gardens of the Royal Castle of Amboise, Loire Valley, France and the multimedia stage scenery „Happy Birthday Friedrich“ at the Nikolaisaal Potsdam.


After several years of working in Paris as a fashion designer and art coordinator, Create Berlin member Christine Jung founded the YUKIJUNG Research design studio in 2006.YUKIJUNG specializes in facade projection, mostly historic buildings and their gardens, and creating audio visual night time experiences involving the combination of self-composed sound effects, lighting installations and modern large-scale video projections. In addition to this, YUKIJUNG designs and implements stage scenery, video clips, video mappings and video live-sets for all types of events. Primarily she is working with After Effects, Premiere Pro, Modul 8 and Madmapper.

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Ioann Maria /

In her talk Ioann Maria will present her current work in progress “Artificial Rat”, which is open for interdisciplinary collaboration. The Project aims to investigate the nature of human-machine relationship, provoking an interaction between the two. The artificial rat should appear to respond to human emotional states, and hence the biofeedback technology will be employed for the reactions measurement. Changes in emotional state of human participants will be used as an input for the rat, thus enabling a response. The responses of each participant will be visualized and compared in real time.

About Ioann Maria

Ioann Maria is a new media artist, live video performer and filmmaker. With her background in multimedia and digital arts she now works with new media technologies and interactive arts, exploring new possibilities in creative artistic-scientific demonstration. In her recent solo and collaborative projects she investigates the issues of physical computing and human-machine interaction. Besides, she’s an artistic director of “LPM Live Performers Meeting” in Rome/ Italy, a core member of the “FLxER” team – performing video network and software and co-founder of “Edinburgh Hacklab” hackerspace in Scotland.

Artist video

Talk's Video

Giorgos Kakanakis /

Under the title “Real time forms are rich only if they are rich in flaws”, Giorgos will give a fragmented dialogue consisting of a non-linear presentation of The Erasers’ work in real time audio visual performance, a brief discussion on the possibilities of live cinema/real time film, moments of propaganda and other moments of image harassment, spontaneous debates on MEANING (as opposed to abstract image production), a disassembling of VJ culture and detours through statements like: AN END TO COMMUNICATION THAT COMMUNICATES NOTHING BUT ITSELF or ITS NOT A JUST IMAGE, ITS JUST AN IMAGE.

About Giorgos Kakanakis

Giorgos Kakanakis is the founding member of The Erasers, a group whose work is based on the integration of various seemingly diverse elements or modes of (re-)presentation such as: live cinema, performance, action-ism, installation techniques, theater, agit-prop, and various forms of information and disinformation. The combination of these diverse elements is based on The Erasers’ search for a new Audio Visual Alphabet.


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