
May 06th, 2013

  • Coding
  • generative
  • Open Source
  • Hardware
  • Av
  • Music
  • Politics

Rainer Kohlberger / The void beyond this feeling

«My talk will examine the colors of noise, the worms in my signals and the serendipity of music. The black square is the feeling. The white field equals the voice beyond this feeling. The metal machine will display my work.»

About Rainer Kohlberger

Rainer Kohlberger is an Austrian born Freelance Visual Artist living in Berlin. His work is primarily based on algorithmically generated graphics that are exposed in live performances, installations and mobile apps. For his work «field» he won the ZKM App Art Award for artistic innovation. He received the Crossing Europe Local Artist Award 2013 for his work «humming, fast and slow».

Artist video

Sébastien Bourdeauducq / Story and development of the Mixxeo digital video mixer

Many video artists need a device that can blend video streams from two or more computers. A common solution is to use SD analog video and a commercially available mixer such as the Edirol V4. But the move to the better quality of digital video and the high cost of commercial digital mixers has prompted community developments of alternative devices.

About Sébastien Bourdeauducq

Sébastien Bourdeauducq is an inventor passionate about science, electronics and open source. After working for several small companies – which included developing the Wi-Fi driver infrastructure for the Nabaztag/tag – he founded Milkymist Labs in the summer of 2007.

Artist video

Talk's Video

ReVerse Bullets / Kunst, Kultur & Kino Collage

“Kunst, Kultur & Kino Kollage” will be an examination of the process of re-appropriating the images and sounds of pop culture, propaganda, educational films, and the tools of the populist media to create subversive audiovisual art. The talk will feature an analysis of the creation of the debut ReVerse Bullets’ album, “Drapetomania!,” along with a preview of new material collaborated with Nicolo Sommer (BIINDS).

About ReVerse Bullets

ReVerse Bullets is a rotating lineup of filmmakers, musicians and visual artists founded by filmmaker Jon-Carlos Evans in New York City in 2009. . Through a collision of industrial noise cum funk and psychedelic synths, ReVerse Bullets project audiovisual “anti-propaganda” and noise-collage molotovs like an amalgam of Stan Brakhage cum Sonic Youth and Sergei Eisenstein cum Massive Attack. Twisted samples of capitalist, western & religious propaganda collide with the band’s electronic cum noise funk and dialectic imagery to create a sensory experience that is part multimedia essay, improvisational electronica, performance art and rock concert.

Artist video

Talk's Video