Georgina Espasa / Half a Quarter
During this talk Georgina will present the creative process of her latest work: a documentary film (“Half a Quarter”) that took her three years to complete and is linked to her personal evolution, and relates to her understanding the roots and the assimilation of her family legacy. The film will be screen (20 min) with subsequent time for questions.
About Georgina Espasa
Georgina is a filmmaker and interactive video artist. After receiving an arts degree at the University of Barcelona in 2008 she has been living in Berlin, working on live video performances, lighting design and mapping installations.
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Tarik Barri / Versum: audiovisual composing in 3D
Tarik will present his ‘Versum’ software, which was originally developed as a 3D audiovisual sequencer for the purpose of creating music by flying through melodies within a virtual space. The software has been gradually adapted to be a purely visual tool and works with any kind of music. At the end of his talk Tarik will give a demonstration of his work by doing an audiovisual piece together with singer Lea Fabrikant, involving live audio/video recording and looping in 3D.
About Tarik Barri
Tarik Barri (1979) is an audiovisual composer and software developer. During his study in Music and Technology he realized that the methods he used to create music could be applied to the moving image as well. With tools like Java, Max/MSP and Supercollider he now develops applications for audiovisual performance, composition and data-representation. Using these tools, Tarik aims to discover new synergies and aesthetics in the combination of image and sound. His works take on various forms like audiovisual performances, installations and videos. He also creates live visuals for artists like Monolake, Atoms for Peace and Nicolas Jaar. The fundamental concept, reflected in all his works, is that image and sound are perceived as one: the viewer hears images and sees sounds.
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TorpeDeArte Kollektiv / TelevisArte Installation
The project is based on TorpeDeArte’s shared perception of art as an active form of research. We don’t believe in one path for the creative process. There are infinite means to reach any one end and infinite unimaginable ends awaiting to be discovered. All we need is to establish a creative public platform.The crowd becomes a basic part of the installation. The participants are transformed and deformed, while maintaining their intrinsic identities.Through the creative process the projected and physical images merge erasing the boundaries between fiction and reality, art and nature.
About TorpeDeArte Kollektiv
In TorpeDeArte’s audiovisual collective we don’t believe in definite unconditional concepts like truth, perfection or beauty and therefore we don’t seek a single artistic end. We believe in the beauty of the interactive process in itself. Our art is born from the participation with the medium and the people. The flexibility of our creative process defines the final expression and frees us from all categorical artistic objectives. We believe in not having a preestablished aim to allow the interaction to produce its own concept of beauty in a dialectic process.We are the interstellar multidisciplinary and undisciplined Dadaists of tomorrow. We firmly believe in art as the result of the collision of the work and the spectator. The coming together of the essence of the medium and the conscience of the audience. TorpeDeArte has the only purpose of artistic creation. Each member brings the best of his or her world to our common project, meeting up only for productive artistic creation. From our first steps as a community it became clear that we had no intention to submit or control our art. We don’t believe in the attitude of the autonomous-independent artist who must administer and preside over every single little detail. The richness of our project is the ultimate freedom of what we do. What will be, will be, in a self-determining artistic interaction.
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