
April 10th, 2014

  • VJ
  • Drawing
  • Interactive
  • Performance
  • Performance
  • Drawing

Vj Chuu / Guruguru kun

Chuuu recently works on the intersection of noise music and live drawings. In his talk, we will give some close-ups to art practices. Follow him on his blog: chuuu.hateblo.jp

About Vj Chuu

Chuuu is a painter, vj and live performer. He grew up in Kyoto, Japan, and graduated at the Kyoto Seika University, that is well known for its faculties for manga and anime. After moving to Berlin he got involved in more action based art practices. As a VJ he got famous for his elaborate visual animations turning on the vinyl player, telling handdrawn stories. In fact a very traditional way and once pioneering discovery for moving images – so called Phenakistoscope.

Artist video

Talk's Video

Mahir Duman /

About Mahir Duman

Mahir Duman is a visual artist born in Ordu, Turkey. He studied in Istanbul and lives and works in Berlin since 2011. As a VJ, Mahir is doing interactive live performances and installations for clubs, special events and art galleries. He works with video, short film, music clips and lots of different media sets, mixed and synchronized with sound and the rhythm of action. He describes his imagery as unrealistic and surreal, that question human perception and the interplay between subjects.


Talk's Video

Trashpuzzle /

During three years Trashpuzzle developed. New people joined the group, equipment has evolved and they gave dozens of shows in clubs around Berlin and other cities. Antique episcope has been replaced by beamer. The transport band is filmed by a live mix of two cameras that are hidden in a black box. And the group expanded to five members, who are pushing the idea forward and have a lot of fun.

About Trashpuzzle

In May 2010 “trashpuzzle” was born. Their aim was to entertain people on a party by performing a handmade live-collage, that was projected on a wall. They used an old technology – episcope and a little transport band to let the pictures move automatically. The effect was fantastic. The dancefloor turned into a colorful carpet made of our pictures. People were fascinated with their spontaneous creations. Some even joined their session.


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