
May 8th, 2014

  • Installation
  • Light
  • Full Dome
  • VJ
  • Science
  • Film
  • Photography
  • Mapping
  • Performance
  • VJ

Lichtpiraten / Make love not art

die LiCHTPiRATEN zeigen uns, dass nichts aussehen muss wie es gerade scheint langsam begreifen wir, dass wir in einer kuenstlichen welt leben, die aussieht wie sie aussehen soll. die oberflaeche der dinge die uns bestimmen sind erdacht, gestaltet und in unseren alltag geschmuggelt. die LiCHTPiRATEN kapern das antlitz von etwas, uebernehmen darueber kontrolle, zeichnen um, deuten an. Schicht fuer schicht verschmelzen die ebenen der wahrnehmeung und hinterlassen ein vibrieren in der seele, dass daran erinnert: es ist leicht frei zu sein.

About Lichtpiraten

Welcome into the world of shadow and light. We create new rooms, imagine other dimensions and find ways out let´s inspire, discover and astonished pirate the world

Artist video

Talk's Video

BildPeter / Conquering the world though Art & Science

The talk will give an overview of the three main fields of BildPeters work: digital art, film/photography and science. It will touch fields like: VJing with Quartz Composer. Video generation with Processing and OpenFrameworks. Filming with DSLRs. Science with an iPad.

About BildPeter

Peter Kolski grew up in the environment, which seems to leave no other choice than becoming an artist. In Berlin. The fascination of a digital world, led in early years to program own games. To express himself, first movies were done in school. To investigate the depth of the universe, he studied physics. First steps in the art world began in 2001 with visuals installations in exhibitions. So did he do first live visual shows as a VJ to live music. The VJ work was performed internationally in widely renown night clubs. Bildpeter played in multiple bands as live visualist to support the bands music experience. The film-work ranges from experimental films to visual poetry, from political activism to band videos. Science is seen by Peter Kolski as the beauty of thoughts and curiosity between nature and philosophy. His scientific work is strongly influenced by his art, as an unconventional way of investigation. The fields of self-organisation and complex systems are approached strongly visually.

Artist video

VJ Fader / Breaking the Screen

I will discuss how my work have progressed into areas such as video mapping and stage design in the past 10 years. My presentation will focus on the deconstruction of the rectangular video screen where the form is just as important as the content.

About VJ Fader

Fader is a visual artist who works with multimedia in a variety of disciplines. From video mapping, generative animation, music videos, stage design to art installations, his work has been shown to broad audiences around the world. He has exhibited at numerous festivals such as Coachella (Indio), Burningman (Black Rock City), Insomniac Events (Los Angeles), Fuji Rock Festival (Japan) and the Mapping Festival (Geneva).

Artist video

Talk's Video