
June 27th, 2015

  • AV
  • Performance
  • Music
  • AV
  • Performance

Lola and Yukao / Lola and Yukao Meet 'Nuits génératives' - AV Performance

About Lola and Yukao

The artists duo Lola et Yukao Meet works with open source technologies to perform its audiographic art. Generative Nights is an exploration of an underground world where micro-organisms live and that prosper endlessly. Their growth and explosion are hypnotic and frightening. Wheter you want to enter the crowd or not is your choice. But swarms and particles, spaceships followed by soldiers, machine guns and gliders, visual and sonic landscapes will most certainly call upon your imagination and send an invitation to an unforgettable journey inside the machines.


Artist's Video

Dasein / 'Faceless Country' - AV Performance

About Dasein

First of all Faceless Country is an effort to collect various information, sounds and footage from the Prelinger collection, documentary extracts on Chernobyl or Fukushima, and post-apocalyptic fictions from Lopouchanski or Boulechov for instance. By mixing excerpts from documentaries, archives or fiction movies, with images and sounds produced by Dasein, Faceless Country tells the story of a nuclear accident of great magnitude that could happen to our world.


Artist's Video