
June 11, 2016

  • virtual reality
  • performance
  • video art
  • mapping
  • production
  • performance
  • net art
  • virtual reality
  • av
  • full dome
  • research
  • animation
  • installation
  • 3d

Lauren Moffatt /

Lauren Moffatt will speak about her experiences producing virtual reality in an art context, including the struggle to develop a visual language for the medium, the awkward meeting of the gaming and film industries, and the stampede to develop content and services in time for the projected boom. Lauren Moffatt is an Australian artist currently living in Berlin and working between video, performance and immersive technologies. She is interested in how the dimension of depth in digital moving image can be used as a storytelling device. Her works, often presented in multiple forms, explore contemporary subjectivity and connected bodies as well as the limits between virtual and physical worlds. Over a number of years she has developed a body of work pivoting on stereoscopic photography and video and informed by the history of cinema and broadcast technologies. Her works have been screened and exhibited most recently at Centrale for Contemporary Art in Brussels, New Frontier at the Sundance Film Festival, Les Champs Libres in Rennes and at the ZKM in Karlsruhe.

Onionlab /

Onionlab talks about their experience with architecture mappings and how to plan and realize mappings from the idea to the projection itself. Onionlab is a Barcelona-based multidisciplinary studio that creates interactive products and experiences, motion design movies and audiovisual shows. Their works are based on the aesthetic attention to detail and the technical innovation, making use of the power of scripting and the seduction of music and sound design. Jordi Pont is Onionlab’s creative director and has been vjing since 2002 with artistic collectives Lectrovision and Telenoika and also as a resident on Razzmatazz clubs for more than 10 years.


Talk's Video

Marija Bozinovska Jones / MBJ Wetware

Marija Bozinovska Jones will elaborate her practice under the pseudonym MBJ Wetware and her approach of live performance as constructing virtual environments extending beyond spatial and audiovisual. She will be covering the conception of GAD Technologies, work commissioned for Club Transmediale 2016 and premiered at Berghain as a collaboration with J G Biberkopf. MBJ will be also presenting her recent work employing voice controlled lasers. Marija Bozinovska Jones’ work revolves around identity formation in an era of technocapitalist amplification and perpetual online presence. She explores socio-political implications of planetary scale computation, seeking out apophenic patterns with an array of elements ranging from subcultural formations to totalitarian architecture. Jones explores society’s anthropological adaptations intertwined in the framework of networked capitalism, its coping mechanism of coming to terms with challenged ontological axioms of cognition, affection and memory. Under the alias MBJ Wetware, Jones develops immersive live performances simulating heterotopian landscapes.


Talk's Video

Carla Chan / Black Moves

Carla Chan introduces us to her aesthetics and the techniques used to create her amorphous, immersive full-dome video 'Black moves'. She will discuss her research into manipulating erratic nature forms in digital and E/M/D/L projects, focusing on different approaches and creation methods in immersive artistic production. Black moves will be presented as a full dome installation at this years festival in the MIRA dome. Carla Chan is media artist based in Berlin and Hong Kong. She works with a variety of media, such as video, installation, photography and interactive media. Minimal in style and form, Chan’s works often toy with the blurred boundaries between reality and illusion, figure and abstraction. Her screening Black Moves is selected for showcase at 21st Incubator for Film and Visual media in Asia as a finalist and 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) in Hong Kong. Black Moves is an immersive video, a spatial drama and a virtual landscape that simulates the forming and de-forming of an amorphous black mass. Black Moves springs from a long obsession and fascination with natural transformations, particularly formless shapes and their movement.


Talk's Video