
March 8th, 2018

  • inmersion
  • performance

Nick Meehan / Paradigm Shift : Contemporary Spaces for Sound, Immersive Art, and Electronic Music Culture.

Immersive art and electronic music have emerged as interrelated forms in the public awareness, while ways in which they are presented together are rapidly evolving. Increasing numbers of artistic works, exhibitions and installations can be found on display in traditional art spaces. This is made possible, in part, by growing support and acceptance from a wide range of galleries, museums and institutions, while technological developments in this area combined with creative thinking are leading to new initiatives. This suggests a widespread interest in the field and increased adoption by formerly silent and motionless physical spaces to foster new experiences of sound, immersive art, and electronic music. Encouraging this paradigm shift stands as one of several causes the Institute for Sound and Music e.V has dedicated itself. The ISM Hexadome is an example, presented as an immersive 360° audiovisual installation combining art and technology. It is the first step in the Institute for Sound & Music’s initiative to redefine the museum experience. The ‘Klangdom’, an advanced multichannel speaker configuration created by ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics is hosted within with a visual projection architecture designed by digital media studio, Pfadfinderei . The Hexadome will premiere at the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin, March 2018, where 9 audiovisual works from international artists will be commissioned and presented, before travelling throughout Europe and North America.

About Nick Meehan

Nick Meehan is an American artist, technologist, sound designer, founding Chairman and Artistic Director of the Institute for Sound & Music e.V. (ISM) in Berlin, Director of FEED Soundspace and curator of the FEED Frequencies concert series at KunstWerke (KW) Institute for Contemporary Art. He studied at the Boston Pro Arts Consortium as part of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA) Video Art program, and Berklee College of Music’s Electronic Production and Design and Music Synthesis program.


Tarik Barri / Creating for the Hexadome + Community Discussion

Tarik will show a preview of elements of his upcoming Hexadome performance and installation, created with Thom Yorke. Plus there'll be a discussion about the importance of discussion in and about our art community.

About Tarik Barri

Tarik Barri is an audiovisual composer in the sense that his compositions always concern the combination of audio and visuals. During his study in Music and Technology, he came to realize that the same type of programming he used to write musical applications, could be used to create moving images. He has since focused on developing and using his real-time audiovisual software 'Versum' for the sole purpose of discovering and expressing new kinds of aesthetics that can be found in the interrelations between seeing and hearing.
