
September 13th, 2018

  • YouTube
  • documentary
  • interviews
  • performance

Psst.one / Psst.one - Presentation and Discussion

Andrea Familiari, creator of Psst.one will speak about the intention of his channel. Developments over the last year and plans for the next season. His talk will be followed by a group discussion, where we can gather ideas around the audiovisual community's needs in Berlin in general.

About Psst.one

Psst.one was born with the intent to contribute to the creation of a legacy, related to the field of the 'visualist'. In october 2017 Passt.one was founded as a web channel focused on weekly video interviews about the artists involved in all aspects related to the audio/video field. The purpose of Psst.one project and its presence on the web is to eventually create a digital archive giving the possibility to have a history and at the same time be inspired from the other artistic realities present into the A/V world. Psst.one is the place where the ‘faces’ of the visual world are shown.


Anna Z / In Between the lines. Behind the screen.

Anna will speak about her background, collaboration in different media, the theory of limits in visual art and music and synthesis script of music and visuals.

About Anna Z

Born beyond the Arctic Circle in the Komi Republic-USSR Anna Z´s first visual experiences emerged from an environment whose images were marked by the northern lights, the snow, the dark and dense forests and the animals within. Very early she started taking several art curses, while she enjoyed an education that was specialized on mathematics and physics. She gained a deeper insight into the world of sound, frequencies and music in the most intimate way by learning several instruments with a focus on guitar. Her art comes from the most different experiments, including, programming, hardware, drawing, photographies, oil and acrylic painting, all this with the music in mind. Besides experimenting with the following programs: quartz composer, max, processing, grasshopper, adobe programs, ableton live. She started making music on her own. Working with Reaktor and Cycling 74, she is creating her own instruments.
